
When You Sit


when you sit
quietly in a place that is quiet
you can feel the shape of the world
you can feel the contours of everything
you can feel what meditation is
it is not a thinking thing
it is an immersion, an awakening into a symphony
there is nothing that separates anything
but the contours of everything have their distinctions
and you are one of those contours
a shimmering outline, a place with permeable edges
a surface for sound to resonate upon
when you sit and listen, you can sense the breath that moves between every
contour and feel the space that fills and connects everything
you can experience the way the world is one woven tapestry of infinite threads
some say, first was the word, but when you listen, you hear
that first was sound and sound became word
and how could we not want to sing about the marvels of sitting
in the stillness and listening

--Tracey Rich