
We Shall See

 A Parable

A young man visits a wise elder in his town telling him that his wife has left him, and he is beside himself with anguish. He says she is never coming back. He has loved her since they were children, and it is the worst thing he can imagine. The wise man looks at the younger man with kindness and replies, we shall see.

Two months later the same man visits the elder, elated with joy. My wife has returned, and I am overjoyed. I have never been so happy in all my life. The wise man smiles and says, we shall see.

Not long after, clearly harried, the man returns to the wise man. Now my wife is ill and I am sure she will die, leaving me forever. I will not survive this loss. The wise man looks deeply into the other man's eyes brimming with tears, and says, we shall see.

A year goes by and the man returns to see the elder. My wife is healthy, we have a new child and we have bought a farm. My life has never been so fulfilled. I can not imagine a better time. To which the wise man once again replies, we shall see.

Years go by, the man has his lived through the loss of a child, a drought that takes his farm, and his wife did leave for good. He also met another partner, remarried, had several more children, grandchildren, and has lived a long life. He has known joy and loss, sickness and health, growth and decline. One day, one of his grandchildren comes to him in sorrow and says, Grandpa, I did not get into the school I have dreamt of going to since I was little, my best friend is not speaking to me, this is the worst day of my life. The wise man  paused, looked deep into his grandson's eyes and said, dear one, we shall see.