
More to be Grateful For

New Book on Krishnamurti

"It is very important to go out alone, to sit under a tree—not with a book, not with a companion, but by yourself—and observe the falling of a leaf, hear the lapping of the water, the fishermen’s song, watch the flight of a bird, and of your own thoughts as they chase each other across the space of your mind. If you are able to be alone and watch these things, then you will discover extraordinary riches which no government can tax, no human agency can corrupt, and which can never be destroyed."

-- J Krishnamurti

Don't forget, World Gratitude Day is coming with the fall equinox. Although, everyday could be world gratitude day if we took time to observe. Now, the fall with its call to begin turning inward is another wonderful season for reflection. There is so much to be challenged by on a daily basis, but so much to be grateful for.

We recommend a beautiful, new book by Mary Zimbalist, entitled: In the Presence of Krishnamurti--Mary's Unfinished Book. Mary was Krishnamurti's constant companion and support for over twenty-five years. The book is her accounting of her time by Krishnaji's side, unfinished since she passed before the book's completion.

Ganga is greatly appreciating this first-hand account of a teacher he feels fortunate to have spent time with and whose process of inquiry he is grateful for. More insights from Ganga on Krishnamurti in his forthcoming book.